Tampa Alimony Modification Attorney

The Tampa alimony modification attorney team at Quinn & Lynch, P.A. represents clients and helps them navigate the legal process when a substantial change in circumstances affects their ability to continue paying or receiving alimony. Whether a former spouse experiences a job loss, remarriage, or another financial shift, our family law attorneys can assess whether you qualify for a modification of alimony under Florida law. In certain circumstances, the court may adjust an existing marital settlement agreement to reflect changes in income, financial need, or other qualifying factors.

If you need to seek an alimony adjustment, schedule a consultation with a Tampa spousal support modification lawyer from our family law firm. Call 813-223-7739.

Tampa Alimony Modification Attorney

Florida Alimony Laws 2025

Recent changes to alimony laws in Florida have eliminated permanent alimony. The new alimony laws replace permanent alimony with durational alimony that is capped based on marriage length.

The alimony tax law change also means that alimony payments are no longer tax deductible for the party ordered to pay, nor are they considered taxable income for the receiving spouse. These updates ensure that spousal support agreements follow a structured approach, with family courts focusing on fair and equitable resolutions based on financial need and ability.

Reasons to Modify Alimony Payments in Florida

Under Florida spousal support law, a paying or receiving spouse may request an alimony modification if a substantial change in circumstances affects their ability to pay alimony or their need to receive alimony. Family courts will consider specific legal grounds when determining whether to modify alimony based on the terms of the divorce settlement and final judgment.

Common Reasons for Alimony Modification in Tampa

The most common reasons to modify alimony agreements are when one party gets remarried, health problems, and other financial circumstances that affect an ex-spouse’s ability to receive or pay alimony. Our Tampa alimony modification attorney team commonly sees the other following factors:

  • Substantial Involuntary Decrease in Income – If the ex-spouse ordered to make alimony payments experiences a substantial involuntary decrease in earnings due to job loss, medical disability, or another change in circumstances, they may petition to modify alimony and reduce their obligation.
  • Receiving Spouse’s Financial Circumstances Change – If the former spouse’s financial ability increases, such as through career advancement or receiving significant assets, the ex-spouse making alimony payments may request a modification of alimony or petition the court to stop paying alimony entirely.
  • Remarriage or a Supportive Relationship – If the receiving spouse has remarried or entered a supportive relationship, the ex-spouse ordered to make alimony payments can seek termination of alimony payments.
  • Major Health Problems – A major health problem that impairs earning ability increases for either party may be grounds for modifying alimony agreements.
  • Retirement of the Paying Spouse – In certain cases, when a paying spouse reaches retirement age, they may file a supplemental petition to reduce or terminate alimony payments, depending on their financial circumstances and whether their retirement was anticipated at the time of the final judgment.
  • Changes in Child Support Obligations – If one spouse is required to pay increased child support, they may request to modify alimony to adjust their financial obligations in a particular case.
Tampa alimony modification lawyer

Types of Alimony That Can Be Modified in Florida

The types of spousal support in Florida that can be modified include durational alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and temporary alimony, as long as there is a substantial change in circumstances affecting financial need or ability to pay.

However, some alimony agreements include non-modifiable alimony clauses, preventing any future adjustments. Non-modifiable alimony types include bridge-the-gap alimony, which cannot be changed in amount or duration, and any spousal support agreements that have specific non-modifiable alimony clauses.

Our Tampa alimony modification attorney team can help clients determine whether an alimony award is subject to change.

How To Modify Alimony Amounts in Tampa, FL

Tampa family law modification attorney can help former spouses modify alimony when a substantial change in circumstances affects their ability to pay or receive alimony. Judges may grant a modification of alimony if financial situations shift significantly. To modify alimony amounts, the following steps must be taken:

  • Determine Eligibility for Modification – A substantial change in circumstances must be proven, such as a substantial involuntary decrease in earnings, remarriage, or medical disability.
  • File a Supplemental Petition – The paying or receiving spouse must formally request a modification of alimony with family courts.
  • Provide Evidence – Financial documents, income statements, and proof of new financial obligations must be submitted to justify the requested change.
  • Attend a Court Hearing – A judge will review the request, considering financial need, ability to pay, and Florida’s alimony laws before approving or denying the modification.

Contact a family law attorney in Tampa, FL, and schedule a consultation to learn more.

Wage Garnishment and Imputed Income Requests

When one party tries to reduce or avoid alimony awards, the court may assign imputed income in Florida if the court believes they are underemployed or intentionally unemployed to avoid financial obligations. Our family law attorneys can request wage garnishment to ensure spousal support payments are deducted directly from the payer’s income. A Florida alimony calculator can help estimate how much alimony may be owed based on actual and imputed income, ensuring a fair ruling in modification or enforcement cases.

Tampa Spousal Support Modification Attorney

Defending Against a Request to Modify Alimony in Tampa, FL

If the other spouse files for an alimony modification, the former spouse receiving alimony may challenge the request by proving that no significant change in circumstances has occurred or that the request lacks legal grounds. A common defense includes demonstrating that the other spouse still has the financial ability to meet their alimony obligation or that the proposed change disqualifies you from alimony in Florida unfairly. A Tampa alimony modification lawyer can prepare evidence, argue against improper requests to modify alimony and protect the legal right to continued spousal support.

Termination of Spousal Support in Tampa, FL

In Florida, alimony may automatically terminate if the receiving spouse remarries or enters a supportive relationship that provides financial assistance. In other cases, a party may seek a modification of alimony or termination if a significant change in circumstances occurs, such as retirement or a medical condition that impairs earning ability increases for the paying spouse or increases financial stability for the receiving spouse after the divorce.

Tampa spousal support modification lawyer team will present evidence to the court that pleads the client’s case for a termination of alimony.

How a Tampa Spousal Support Modification Attorney Can Help

A Tampa spousal support modification attorney can ensure that your rights are protected and that any spousal support changes align with what husbands and wives are entitled to in Florida divorces.

  • Filing Petitions – Drafting and submitting the proper legal documents to request or oppose modifying spousal support orders.
  • Presenting Evidence – Gathering financial records, employment history, and other documentation to support your case.
  • Representing Clients in Court – Advocating for fair adjustments based on changes in income, remarriage, or other financial factors.
  • Ensuring Compliance with Florida Law – Navigating legal requirements to meet the burden of proof for modification requests.

Tampa Alimony Modification Lawyer

Divorcing couples facing spousal support obligations or seeking a child custody modification in Tampa should work with experienced legal professionals to protect their rights. With the changes to permanent alimony laws in Florida, it is crucial to stay informed about your legal options. Our Tampa divorce law firm is ready to assist with alimony adjustments, custody changes, and other divorce-related matters. Call 813-223-7739 today to discuss your case with our Tampa spousal support modification attorneys.

tampa spousal support lawyer

Yes, Florida law states that spousal support can be reduced or terminated if the paying spouse has reached normal retirement age, has taken necessary steps to retire, and has proved that their retirement reduces their ability to pay alimony.

An experienced alimony attorney can help renegotiate these terms.

Can Alimony Change if a Receiving Spouse Enters Into a New Relationship?

New relationships can impact spousal support payments in Florida. If the recipient cohabits in a marriage-like way, alimony may be reduced or terminated.

However, each case is unique and subject to the interpretation and discretion of the court. It’s essential to consult with the knowledgeable divorce attorneys at Quinn & Lynch P.A. to understand how these changes might impact alimony in your specific situation.

Alimony Paid Through Income Withholding

In Florida, alimony payments can be efficiently managed through enforcement actions such as income withholding orders, ensuring a consistent and timely transfer of funds from the payer to the recipient. This method allows the alimony amount to be directly deducted from the payer’s wages, much like child support.

Implementing an enforcement action requires a legal order, and the specifics can vary depending on the divorce and alimony agreement circumstances. An experienced Tampa, FL, alimony attorney at Quinn & Lynch P.A. can guide you through the process of setting up withholding for alimony payments, ensuring compliance with Florida law and the terms of your alimony arrangement.

Can You Avoid Alimony Payments in Florida?

tampa alimony attorneys

Court-ordered alimony payments outlined in a divorce settlement agreement cannot be avoided in Florida. However, there are legal ways to potentially modify or negotiate the obligations, depending on changes in circumstances or the financial status of either party.

It’s crucial to approach this matter under the guidance of a skilled Florida alimony attorney. Failing to pay alimony without court approval can lead to serious legal repercussions, including contempt of court charges.

The Tampa alimony attorneys at Quinn & Lynch P.A. are adept at navigating the complexities of spousal support payments in Florida and can offer strategic advice on dealing with these financial obligations legally and effectively.

Call a Tampa Alimony Lawyer at Quinn & Lynch P.A. Today

Facing alimony issues in a divorce can be both financially and emotionally distressing. It’s essential to have an experienced, compassionate, and skilled alimony attorney like those at Quinn & Lynch P.A. on your side. Our alimony lawyers have decades of combined experience representing clients going through even the most complex divorce cases in the Tampa area and are committed to guiding clients through the complexities of Florida alimony and family law.

When you work with an alimony lawyer at our law firm, you can rest assured your alimony attorney will strive for a fair and equitable resolution. For expert advice and representation, don’t hesitate to contact an alimony lawyer at Quinn & Lynch P.A. by calling 813-223-7739 today.

Contact Our Experienced, Dedicated Divorce & Family Law Lawyers Today

As a dedicated family law practice in the Tampa Bay area, we work one on one with our clients, resulting in representation that is characterized by genuine care and understanding. If you are dealing with divorce or other family law issues, please contact at 813-223-7739  to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced family and divorce attorneys.